Lots of painting, framing, donating and teaching. Joe and I have been busy with work and also busy in the studio when we can steal a moment.
I hope you'll be able to join us sometime throughout the year.
We are both teaching at Jerry's Artarama in Raleigh, at Legacy Farms in Wallace and Joe additionally is teaching in Calabash at Sunset River Market Place and in Raleigh at Art of the Carolinas!
Here is a link to the schedule so far: http://digiuliostudios.com/workshops/2016_workshops
We certainly hope you'll join us for some creative painting!
We have also scheduled a 4-day workshop at DiGiulio Studios that we'll be teaching together.
This is a fun filled workshop offered by the two of us in acrylic, collage, and abstract:
Wednesday - Saturday, June 15-18, 2016. Hope you'll join us!
Thanks for sharing. Nice work :))