Maybe it's just me, but it seems life is just so full these days. Since my last post: snow days, gallery shows, workshops, visits with friends, family and little ones, dishwasher issues, work, massage, haircut, presentations, AOC planning, Hurricanes games, lunches, dinners, baby showers, news of deaths, news of births, taxes, waxes, yoga, H2O fitness, lotions, potions, paintings...
What a whirlwind. I'm not complaining and I swear it gets a little more scary on this roller coaster ride the older I get. Maybe I need an extra seat belt. Maybe I need to take the time to reflect a little bit more. Take a breather as they say to really be thankful for the people in my life and for the experiences I share. I know sometimes we all just need to put down the phone, take a seat in the great outdoors and be. Just sit and be. Just a sweet little moment in time. It doesn't have to be fancy or documented with pen or post or photo. Reflect on the day, the moment. And inhale. Exhale...
I feel better already!
Take a moment and look at something beautiful this week: a piece of sculpture in a gallery, a flower trying to push it's way through the dirt, an animal jumping around in the yard, an amazing sunset. All of these are free and just waiting for you to enjoy! So do it!
Here are a couple of photos from my yard and the country house to get you started:
Karyn's Last Blog Post
8 years ago